I feel I have a world of good to give, a vat of insight to offer, and a world insistent upon stuffing it all back where it came from.
I constantly think about sex. The idea, the romance, the act. I crave it continuously. I love it, but it c consumes my thoughts, focus, and motivation to detrimental ends, and I rarely get it.

I find the way the world lives and prioritizes, it cannot go on psychologically, spiritually, or physically. I watch frozen as the train speeds at the fake tunnel Wyle E. Coyote has painted ont eh monolith ahead...

Those who society does not believe. Those experienced in E.T. encounters of the 4th kind; abduction, they break my heart, I believe them, I must help them. Their agony is palpable to my soul. But how?

The animals that suffer for men's stomachs, humors, and insight appalls me. I see it s a gross hypocrisy of "civilization."
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